Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Where it Went 03/04 - 03/17

Still on Unemployment Watch 2009 but my interview yesterday went pretty well. In the meantime, my spending was a tad higher than anticipated the past two weeks. I always tend to spend more money when the fiance is out of town. Sigh. I also gave in to temptation - and a great deal - and splurged on a I-flip video camera.

So here's where my money went in comparison to the budget I set out two weeks ago:

Emergency Fund - 50/0
Friend C - 60/60
Credit Card - 100/100
Aunt Sallie Mae - 406/406.96
Defaulted Student Loan - 260/260
Nice Collection Agency - 125/0 (hasn't cleared yet)
Groceries - 50/50
Misc. - 95/190
Electronics - 0/85

Woah Nelly! I also put the I-Flip on my nearly paid off credit card but I will be paying the entire balance today. I'm excited to get it for almost half off courtesy of which everyday has a different product available at a discount. 60 minutes of recording time for only $79 plus $5 shipping is about half what they're going for in other stores.
It feels good to almost be done paying off my "short term debt." Today I will knock out the credit card and Overdue Utilities! Stay tuned for my latest budget later on today.


Sallie's Niece said...

Oops just remembered that $60 out of the miscellaneous category was to pay for the housekeeper to get my apartment ready to show. I feel a little better now. :-)

Anonymous said...

wow, I'm definitely your cheerleader but that videophone was a huge splurge...have you been wanting it for a while? are you actually going to use it?

I'm not judging you as I am in similar financial shape but I recommend staying off of and put your credit card away (in a drawer at home!)...

- sgreen

FB @ said...

I want that iFlip.

Let me know how it goes, and I may end up doing video blogs LOL

But I may not have bought it being in your position :)

Sallie's Niece said...

Oh man I knew I'd get flack about the flip but I really wanted one and it was only $79 bucks compared to $130 in the stores. Bring it on though I need more encouragement. In my defense, I never buy gadgets.