Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Where it Went 5/26 - 6/08

Wedding. Money. Life. Stress.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. How is everyone else doing?

I'm pretty good, especially knowing that even with the daily stressors of planning a wedding, that I will be married to the man I love soon....and then boarding a plane to Hawaii. Can't wait!

So here's where my money went for the past two weeks compared to the budget I set:


Credit Card - 150/200
Wedding Savings - 700/700
Wedding Makeup Deposit - 50/50
Perkins Loan - 93/93
Law School Loan - 80/80
Groceries - 75/0
Healthcare - 40/40
Misc. - 149/160
Clothes - 0/40

I got a dress I may wear to my rehearsal and one I will definitely wear on the honeymoon. Found a really great discount shop a few towns over. Resisted urge to spend more than the $40 in my wallet.

This weekend I have what I hope will be my last dress fitting and then my hair and makeup trial. It's really getting close!


Anonymous said...

Belated congratulations on reaching the 2-year mark on the blog. (Obviously, I've been a looong-term lurker.) But remember when your goal for the pay period was to just Not pay an overdraft fee or an ATM fee? What a lot of growth. congrats on the soon wedding, too.

Sallie's Niece said...

Wow it has been two years. Thanks for sticking with me!