Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Budget 9/02 - 9/15

A lot less wiggle room for me to get in trouble with in this budget. I am going to send a money order to the city court and get the process of renewing my license rolling. And I need to pay $34 ($17 each) for my fiance and I to attend my office picnic. Seems like a waste to me to pay $17 to eat corn on the cob and chat awkwardly with people who don't work in my division (or worse, the ones that do!) but I don't want to seem like I'm not a team person AND if you attend you get the day off. And I'm taking the fiance since he's dragged me to enough of his work functions.

So here's my budget for the next two weeks. We're going to a festival over Labor Day weekend so I've made sure to include sufficient walking around/buying a churro money:

Starting Balance = $1246

Sallie Mae - 407
Defaulted Student Loan - 260
Nice Collection Agency - 125
Driving Ticket - 135
Office Picnic - 34
Groceries - 75
Festival - 100
Misc. - 111

Bye bye money. I'm looking forward to the festival. I didn't spend so much at the last one we attended but then again we were in a camper as opposed to a tent so we had more supplies with us. I'll try not to spend too much but I'd rather be pessimistic this time instead of underestimating my spending again. Anything I manage not to spend I can throw towards the wedding savings.


Moneyapolis said...

I can't believe your office is making you pay $17 *each* for a picnic! That's crazy talk.

Sallie's Niece said...

Yes and I just found out that we have to pay $1 per beer on top of that. Not that I was planning on having more than 1 or 2 but for real? I'd almost rather be working but I already bought the tickets so I'll just go for a while and then enjoy the day off.

Sallie's Niece said...

Update!!!! I am dumb and didn't realize that September is a three paycheck month and therefore my student loan isn't due until the next pay period. I'll post more tomorrow about the happy news. :-)

moocifer said...

Wow I just took a look at your budget. this is my first visit to your blog.

A cash envelope system is perfect for that festival spending money. Just put $100 in tens and some small bills in the envelope and take it with you and when you're done spending, you're done spending.

Not sure if that's what you do now but it's worth a try if you've never done it.